Знакомьтесь: Джимми Уэйлс | Jimmy Wales
Википедия и история
История того Джимми Уэйлса, каким мы знаем его сейчас, и его проекта Википедия началась в марте 2000 года, когда Уэйлс создал свободную энциклопедию «Нупедия» и нанял ученого-философа Ларри Сэнгера на должность главного редактора.
Энциклопедия составлялась авторами-профессионалами на добровольной основе, статьи энциклопедии проходили экспертную оценку. Что-то напоминает, правда? 🙂
Идея «Нупедии» заключалась в том, чтобы занять пустующую нишу бесплатных интернет-энциклопедий. В будущем эта энциклопедия перерастет в то, что все мы сейчас знаем как Википедия, свободная энциклопедия.
На онлайн-тренинге Keynote-2012 Джимми Уэйлс будет рассказывать о социальных медиа. Это очень важная тема сейчас для всех: от интернет-предпринимателей до политиков и звезд шоу-бизнеса. Хотите узнать подробнее? Щелкните >>здесь<<.
Джимми Уэйлс, как и все спикеры Keynote-2012, известен своими изречениями. Вот лишь некоторые из них:
Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing.
Love. It isn’t very popular in technical circles to say a lot of mushy stuff about love, but frankly it’s a very very important part of what holds our project together.
It is pretty weird. A few years ago, I was just some guy sitting in front of the internet. Now I send an e-mail or edit an article and it makes headlines around the world … I used to be just a guy — now I’m Jimmy Wales.
Wikipedia is a non-profit. It was either the dumbest thing I ever did or the smartest thing I ever did.
Most people are good. They may not be saints, but they are good.
There’s plenty of rude stuff online. People say things online that they would be ashamed to say face to face. If people could treat others as though they were speaking face to face, that would be huge.
I frequently counsel people who are getting frustrated about an edit war to think about someone who lives without clean drinking water, without any proper means of education, and how our work might someday help that person. It puts flamewars into some perspective, I think.
Quite frankly, several of the people who contributed to the article should be banned from coming near a keyboard until they have learned to engage in proper encyclopedia writing.
People are not fundamentally bad. It only takes the smallest of correctives to take care of that tiny minority that wants to disrupt the community.
[Wikipedia is] like a sausage: you might like the taste of it, but you don’t necessarily want to see how it’s made.Ideally, our rules should be formed in such a fashion that an ordinary helpful kind thoughtful person doesn’t really even need to know the rules. You just get to work, do something fun, and nobody hassles you as long as you are being thoughtful and kind.
Frankly, and let me be blunt, Wikipedia as a readable product is not for us. It’s for them. It’s for that girl in Africa who can save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around her, but only if she’s empowered with the knowledge to do so.
We are Wikipedians. This means that we should be: kind, thoughtful, passionate about getting it right, open, tolerant of different viewpoints, open to criticism, bold about changing our policies and also cautious about changing our policies. We are not vindictive, childish, and we don’t stoop to the level of our worst critics, no matter how much we may find them to be annoying.
It turns out a lot of people don’t get it. Wikipedia is like rock’n’roll; it’s a cultural shift.
We’ve always had a love/hate relationship with numbers.
Everybody tells jokes, but we still need comedians.
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